The Saturday Morning Ladies of the Blessed Mother is a group of ladies dedicated to studying the truths of the Catholic Church, faith sharing, prayer, service, and fellowship. The ladies meet regularly on Saturday mornings and is open to all ladies in the parish and surrounding parishes.
For more information or to join the Saturday Morning Ladies Google Group, email
Walking Towards Eternity: Engaging the Struggles Of Your Heart
All ladies are invited to join the Saturday Morning Ladies’ Bible Study — Walking Towards Eternity: Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart by Jeff and Emily Cavins. Ladies meet for Saturday Mass at 7:30 a.m. and Bible study immediately following in the Convent from 8:15 to 10 a.m. Study begins Saturday, September 16. Register online to order study materials and receive online access to the study videos ($15.95 plus shipping and handling). Click here to register or email